Æ Frumlegri tölvupóstar berast

Í gegnum tíðina hef ég margsinnis fengið tölvupóst frá allskyns "afríkuglæpamönnum" sem bjóða ótrúlegar greiðslur fyrir talsvert skrítin viðvik.

 Þennan póst fékk ég í dag. Hann er einn af þeim frumlegri sem ég fengið.

From Mrs Joy Egaekweri
Dearest One,
Permit me to introduce my self, I am Mrs Joy Egaekweri, A citizen of Ajawfu, widow, and legitimate heir to the late former Minister of finance who was assassinated for been working with the ex-president Gnassingbe Eyadema.

I inherited a total sum of 14 million dollars from my late husband, The presure from my deceased husband's family for this money has compelled me to leave the FAMILY as i do not have a male Child as the custom demands. The money in queston is in a metallic trunk box deposited with a security and finance company in our nebouring country Cote d' ivoire under a secret arrangement as a family treasure not as money for securtiy resons.
This means that the security company does not know the content of this box that was shipped from TOGO to Cote d'ivoire under a diplomatic coverage.

My purpose of asking for your assistance lay down to the fact that, I don't want my late husband's family to be aware of the deposit, and the deposit statement of the box authorized the company to make this box avaliable for shipment on request only to my foreign bussiness representative, though unname.

Hence, I want you to contact the the security company as my bussiness partner / associate, after receiving the deposit information from me to enable the company release the consigment to you diplomatically, while I join you on the arrival of the box.

All you need to do is to help me contact the security company and introduce yourself as my bussiness partner /associate, requesting the shipment of the box to your address which you will provide.
And as soon as Diplomatic shipping agent approved the shipment and tell you the arrival date of the box then I will join you to give you 15% out of the total money instantly before I go on with the proposed investment in your domain provided is secured and investment friendly.

Please if you are interested and willing to represent me as my bussiness partner/associate kindly write me as soon as possible.

I awaits for your urgent response.
Best wishes
Mrs Joy Egaekweri

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Einar Ben Þorsteinsson
Einar Ben Þorsteinsson
talar frá Egilsstöðum


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